Tāmaki Herenga Waka | Tāmaki Stories
The gathering place of many waka
Years 1 to 8Years 9 to 13Years 1 to 13Early childhood education
Schedule Icon
Terms 2 - 4
Cost Icon
$7 per student
Venue Icon
Auckland Museum
Duration Icon
90 minutes

This programme is for the following year groups: Years 4-8

Explore the rich local history of Tāmaki Makaurau. Uncovering the stories of our landscapes, people and places. Ākonga will engage with taonga from the Museum's handling collection to learn more about early Māori history, the founding of Tāmaki Makaurau and some of the people and communities that helped shape this city.  

This is an Amazing Race style programme that encourages children to explore various galleries of the Museum.

Please note: minimum 20 students, maximum 30 students per session. For this programme students will be divided into 5 groups (6 students per group) and each group will require one adult supervisor as they navigate the museum.

Image details: Kāhu, kuaka and kererū glass sculptures created by Mike Crawford.  Representing one of the three mana whenua - Ngāti Whātua, Ngāti Pāoa and Waikato-Tainui.
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