Ocean Explorers
Deep sea discovery
Years 1 to 8Years 9 to 13Years 1 to 13Early childhood education
Schedule Icon
Terms 1 - 4
Cost Icon
$7 per student
Venue Icon
Auckland Museum
Duration Icon
45 min

This programme is for the following year groups: ECE

Through storytelling, exploration, and play, discover the unique creatures who live in Tīpaka Moana (Hauraki Gulf). Learn about these creatures way of life, and how we can all be kaitiakitanga of our special marine environment

Learning Outcomes
Learners will:
· Explore, ask questions and create their own working theories in relation to ocean animals
· Discover how they can keep the ocean healthy
· Use prior knowledge to share stories related our marine collection
· Learn alongside whānau and see Auckland Museum as part of their world

Please note: minimum 20 students, maximum 30 students per session
Image details: Talochlamys zelandiae, Kopakopa, fan scallop. Collection of Auckland Museum Tamaki Paenga Hira, 2015.20.18. © Auckland Museum CC BY
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