Ngā mahi a Rēhia
Traditional Māori pastimes and games
Years 1 to 8Years 9 to 13Years 1 to 13Early childhood education
Schedule Icon
Term 1 and Term 4
Cost Icon
$7 per student
Venue Icon
Auckland Museum
Duration Icon
45 minutes

This programme is for ECE, Year 1-2

The Museum's taonga Māori and pūoro collection are brought to life through hands-on activities and song. Learners will have the opportunity to delve into the story of Hine-Pū-Te-Hue through the use of puppets and musical instruments. Imparting to our learners the importance of caring for their own and others’ wellbeing.

Learning Outcomes
Learners will:
· Explore Traditional Māori games designed to develop manual and mental dexterity, strength, control and agility in children through Mason Durie’s Te Whare Tapawhā
· Explore rhythm and beat, while engaging in song and dance
· Engage in stories related to our Māori and taonga pūoro collection
· Create a puppet to tell imaginative stories of their own

Please note: minimum 20 students, maximum 30 students per session

Image details: Pūtatara. Auckland Museum Handling Collection. Ed2969.
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