Ancient Civilisations
Uncovering the past
Years 1 to 8Years 9 to 13Years 1 to 13Early childhood education
Schedule Icon
Terms 1-4
Cost Icon
$7 per student
Venue Icon
Auckland Museum
Duration Icon
60 minutes

This programme if for the following year groups: Years 5-8

Archaeologists' work is key to much of what we display at the Museum and much of what we know about communities in the past. This programme puts learners into the position of an archaeologist to examine museum objects and replicas from a range of different civilisations while exercising their curiosity, knowledge and problem-solving abilities.

Learning Outcomes
Learners will:
· Understand the role of an archaeologist and why the study of material remains is important and relevant
· Make comparisons between life now and in the past
· Gain an understanding around the values and beliefs, communication and technology of Ancient Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Inca and Aztec civilisations

Please note: minimum 20 students, maximum 30 students per session
Image details: Canopic jar; Lid; Duamutef. Auckland War Memorial Museum Tāmaki Paenga Hira. 2017.x.52
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